I have been very fortunate over the past few months as a recognised Candidate for the next Regional Council elections to have had many very interesting and enlightening conversations with people I might otherwise have not met, or not had the opportunity to converse with.
There are many things that people choose to bring to my attention and several of those I have followed up on or noted down in the hope that win or lose, I may have an opportunity to affect a better outcome on those particular issues. There are a few things that keep cropping up though that require a much broader scope in which to make lasting changes.
I am a huge fan of encouraging grocers and market stalls to display food mileage on their produce. Not individually, just a simple sign on each food bin that indicates where the fruit and veg has come from and how far it travelled to get there. Many consumers will still decide on the imported or interstate produce when taking account of costs but others would prefer to make an informed choice for their basket or trolley. There are several other environmentally or locally based initiatives I am interested in exploring as well and this is the reason for my post.
It is very apparent that many within the community would like to make some changes, both small and large, to reduce their footprint on their surrounding environment. The options are now readily available to do just that and there are sound bytes everywhere proclaiming that the future look, feel and direction for our region must be sustainable. Sustainable economics, sustainable growth, sustainable consumption and sustainable building and development. Sounds great! But what does it really mean and how can it be achieved? Perhaps even more importantly, how does it sit with residents?
The most common misconception with this word is that it somehow belongs to a fringe, radical group who are all vegan, long-haired and wear sandals. It is creeping into conversation in all sectors now but it remains true that it is still seen as slightly extreme which is very unfortunate. Speak to anyone who works hard in the arena of sustainable native animal populations. They will tell you how difficult it is to get the attention of newspapers or radio when there is a crisis that needs better management. Speak to anyone in the RealFood Network and they will say the same. The numbers are growing but it still remains a very difficult prospect to garner mainstream attention.
Of course this isn't helped by the few who are wildly passionate about the cause. Those who want it all, now! It's a wonderful thought to imagine us living in sustainable, solar run houses, eating food from the garden or the front gate from farms, composting, worm farming, caring for native wildlife, no longer buying any 'throwaway' consumer goods or trinkets......... Well, it isn't realistic. Not yet. Maybe we will eventually get to the point where our consumer driven society is no longer impressed with the latest gadget or the newest 'in' thing, but for now, we all need to work harder to get the message out that this change that we have to make (our environment is telling us that we need to rearrange our priorities) can happen, and will happen, if we all just START the process.
People understandably baulk at the idea that their whole world will be flipped upside down (at this point metaphorically) and there really does need to be a better approach to creating a sustainable community. The first thing that needs to happen is it needs to become a mainstream idea. It needs to be recognised that some will grow food in their gardens, add a compost heap and have solar power......but still want to own the prettiest smartphone on the market. Some will happily read the labels on food items to ensure their children are raised preservative and artificially coloured free, but they will still proudly drive a Prado as the family car. Developers may choose to build a unit development out of recycled materials and fill it's walls with louvres to negate the need for air-conditioning.......but install them anyway, along with dryers, for the two or three weeks a year the residents may use them. Small, local businesses may form a working group of their own to pool resources for effective marketing and problem solving, but still employ more casual juniors than full time staff.
Sustainability. In order to work it needs to be a choice. It needs to be presented as a logical, cost effective option which does not come with strings attached or any higher expectations. It needs to be applauded but not segregated and it needs to be accessible.
Long term, sustainable, lasting.......the meanings are very similar. This is NOT a 'buzzword' and should not be treated as such. It's the only way our community will flourish, long after we are no longer around to see it.
The Cairns Entertainment Precinct is not a sustainable infrastructure in our community. It does not fare well with pensioners in increased rates and young families trying to get ahead. It is not sustainable for the Cairns Economy with its proven negative impact on Cairns Wharf industry pushing Cairns into a volatile Tourism industry that rides the peaks & troughs waves of national and world economies impacting Cairns families. It is proven that it will increase tourist numbers very very little and only increase jobs long term by under ten people for the whole of Cairns community with an expenditure of 180million. Yet you were seen as a major supporter and played a major part in the propaganda machine in fooling the people of Cairns. Your talk of Sustainability is not backed by your actions. Shame on you. You support bulling tactics on the people of Cairns from the Labor State Government. You support bulling tactics in your community. Some people don't realise their actions until they are pointed out to them.
ReplyDeleteCairns community purchasing the Entertainment Precinct is like a bloke on 50,000 a year with a young family buying a 150,000 dollar Ferrari. Does that sound like sustainable economics to you? You are an intellectual, but your not smart.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous fails to argue convincingly. For example...
Delete“It does not fare well with pensioners in increased rates and young families trying to get ahead.” Has Anonymous surveyed pensioners and young families, or is this just his/her opinion? I’m a pensioner who is happy to pay increased rates for a decent cultural facility.
“proven negative impact on Cairns Wharf industry”: according to information I’ve seen from the relevant authorities, the “wharf industry” will not be negatively impacted by this development.
“It is proven that it will increase tourist numbers very very little”: Proven by whom and in what way? How does one prove something that has not yet happened? The best one can do is envisage/project/etc.
“like a bloke on 50,000 a year with a young family buying a 150,000 dollar Ferrari”: there are people on this income who purchase property well in excess of $150,000.